Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Ride to Conquer Cancer

26 years ago today my dad passed away. Last Saturday I was riding my orange bike to Seattle on the first Ride to Conquer Cancer in British Columbia. And somehow I felt closer to him than I ever had. He was never proud of me, the hyper kid fighting for independence and freedom from as soon as I was able to walk and talk. But here and now, on my bike and on the way to Seattle, I first felt he was proud of what I was doing.

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who have supported my ride in so many ways.

There will be another ride next year. Pepe has already signed up.


Liviana said...

Foarte frumos si emotionant! Sper ca la anul Pepe sa gaseasca mai mult suport in noi toti..

Laura said...


Imi pare rau de tatal tau, si simpatizez cu tine in multe feluri. Cum sa-i facem pe parinti sa-si inteleaga fetele independente si curajoase?
Acum, in pragul plecarii mele din Canada in California, ma lovesc de aceeasi problema de demult.. Parintii mei spun ca nu inteleg, si se simt frustrati sa explice la cei din anturajul lor de ce plecam.

Somehow I don't fit, although they knew that I was that kind of girl deep down ever since I was a kid, when I was scrambling on remote hills on my own, loving mountains and speed skiing and now wanting to do surfing and biking and more adventure travel..

I love what you've been doing with your time and money. I plan to take my kids on similar paths, it is a way to live.

Good travels! Calatorului ii sade bine cu drumul.